Painted Marble: A Countertop Makeover Story.

Five years ago, we took our once Tuscan style home and gave it a painting makeover to bring it more up-to-date and up to my style (Beach Loving French Country is what I like to call it). In doing so, we had every room painted. We had fake exposed brick covered. The previous owner of our home was a painter, and we believe he tried out every style of texture and color that was popular in 1999 in our home. Our orangey-brown oak cabinets that were in the kitchen, living room and office were painted white. The tile in the house was a neutral gray, so we were ok leaving that. But what we were left with in the kitchen after this massive painting undertaking, was brown speckled granite. Brown! I had spent all my efforts de-browning our home in my classic DIY way. And yet, becuase of the expense and not wanting to undergo an entire kitchen remodel, we left the countertops. Until one day I just couldn’t take it anymore. As I decided to share my cooking styles and tips online, I was constantly taking pictures in my kitchen. And I just never liked the way the brown countertop pictures turned out. They didn’t say “That’s Lisa!”. They didn’t say “Welcome to our Beach Loving French Country home”.
You know when ideas come to you, and you just have to act on them? That is what happened with our countertops. I started looking at Lowes and Home Depot and other home remodel stores for round-about pricing to replace the granite and everything was in the $5-$7k range. So I kept pushing it off to a “someday” project. Until I remembered someone telling me they had painted their countertops instead of replacing them. Painted. Wait, did I remember that right? Yes! Painted. This is how “someday” became “the” day, and we embarked on a seriously inexpensive countertop make-over.
So I went to Pinterest. There were a handful of pins for people who had taken the plunge and painted their countertops. After quite a bit of research, I discovered a kit that would transform the look of the granite countertops and hold up to use. I decided to go for it. I got the clearance and buy-in from my husband, although at first I thought he was what we call PAVLing me (Pacify, Agree, Veto-Later), because that does happen quite a bit with my constant and sometimes crazy ideas, but he was actually in! I purchased the kit and we waited until we knew we had an entire weekend to tackle the project.
Upgrading the countertops vs. remodeling the kitchen completely changed the look and feel of our kitchen, without draining our bank account. I can’t wait to feature my culinary creations on a bright, brilliant backdrop.
How did we do it?
Stay tuned… the How to is coming soon!