Sausage Gluten Free Keto Friendly Deviled Eggs for the whole family
Eat, Gluten-Free, Keto

Best Family Friendly Deviled Eggs with Sausage

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Sausage Deviled Eggs; Keto, Gluten-Free and Family Friendly

It’s Easter season! We’re getting ready to dye eggs for Easter fun. With a family of seven, we end up having A LOT of hard boiled eggs. Also with a family who is picky about what they eat, I had to get creative with ways to utilize all those boiled eggs. 3/4ths of my family hates mustard, pickles and typical deviled eggs. So what to do?

I was making my super easy, famous sausage dip. And the though occurred to me… Egg yolk, sausage, cream cheese, sausage deviled eggs? HECK YES!

So I started experimenting. And this is what I’ve come up with: Family Friendly Deviled Eggs with Sausage.


Have you ever had envy of those perfect hard boiled eggs? The ones that are perfectly cooked, no gray edges, and just soft enough to not have a chalky yolk? The ones that make the best deviled eggs? Yeah. Me too.

When I started on a gluten-free and keto life, one of the staples to easy mornings is hard boiled eggs. Yet, I was constantly disappointed. They would turn out gray on the edges, or would have a really chalky, dry yolk, the one where you want a gallon of water after eating it. You too? then I would see all these beautiful pictures of avocado toast with a soft-boiled egg, with a slightly runny yolk, no gray and I had boiled egg envy. So I went on the hunt to find the tips and tricks to get the perfect hard boiled egg.

  1. Freshness: Make sure your eggs are fresh. If your eggs float, they are bad. Throw them away!
  2. Cold Water: Start with cold water in your pan. You want the eggs to cook evenly. Put your eggs in your pot, then cover by at least an inch with cold water.
  3. The Right Heat: Turn the heat on med-high, until you get a rolling boil. Then turn it down to medium to continue to barely boil/simmer. You don’t want your eggs rocking around in your pot and have them crack. Gentle. Gentle.
  4. Time: Once you turn the heat to medium, turn on your timer. Set it for 5-6 minutes (depending on how soft you want your yolk). After 5-6 minutes, remove from heat, and let sit for 2-3 minutes in the warm water for not runny, but not overcooked eggs. This is the key to not having the gray edges of yolk. Gray means it was overcooked, or cooked too quickly. To check for doneness, take one egg and spin it upright on your counter top. Be careful, it will be hot. If it spins evenly, it’s done. If it wobbles, but spins, it’s probably just right for a soft boiled yolk. If it falls down and won’t spin, it’s not done.
  5. Cool Water: Once you have reached the right doneness of your eggs, run them in cold water until they’re cool to the touch.
  6. Peel: Roll with some pressure the eggs on the long side along the inside of your sink to break up the yolk. Find a place the will grab the film under the shell, and pull the shell off. If you find the egg whites are breaking up with the peeling process, roll them on your sink or counter to break up the shell, then let them soak in cool water for 10-15 minutes. This usually helps the peeling process.
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Dessert Decorator/Cake Decorating Tool: I love this one from amazon. I’ve used it for years for all kinds of fun dessert and deviled egg projects. If you don’t want to buy this, you can just use a ziploc, fold it over a large cup, put your filling in, seal it, and cut the corner off. But if you want pretty edges, this is the way to go.


sausage cream cheese egg yolk mixture for deviled eggs

After boiling your eggs and cooking your sausage/cream cheese mixture, cut the eggs and scoop out the perfectly yellow yolk (no gray edges here!). Using your hand mixer or stand mixer, mix on medium until well incorporated.

Using a dessert decorator, or just a medium spoon, get the mixture back into the eggs on a serving plate or platter.

Sprinkle on the smoked paprika, to taste. This adds that little something extra to the eggs that will leave your guests wondering what your “secret trick” to delicious deviled eggs is.

Viola! These are the a popular dish and most frequently asked for recipe. Even your pickiest eaters will love them!

Best Family Friendly Deviled Eggs with Sausage

Recipe by Lisa Marie MasquelierCourse: SnacksCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



Sausage Deviled Eggs; Keto, gluten-free and family friendly


  • 8-10 Hard Boiled Eggs

  • 3-4 Sausage Patties, cooked and crumbled

  • 3 oz cream cheese

  • 2 tbsp mayonnaise

  • 1/2 tsp mustard powder

  • 1/2 tsp onion powder

  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder

  • Pinch of Salt and Pepper

  • Smoked Paprika

  • 1-2 Chives, chopped to small pieces for garnish


  • Boil the eggs to just a done (5-6 minutes). Do not over cook. See tips for boiling eggs above.
  • In a sauté pan, cook sausage until cooked through. Crumble/ break up sausage in pan. Add cream cheese to pan to warm and soften.
  • Peel eggs and dry. Cut eggs in half and scoop out the yolk into a mixing bowl
  • Add the sausage mixture, mayonnaise, mustard powder, onion powder, garlic powder. Taste. Add salt and pepper as needed.
  • Mix ingredients together with a hand mixer until combined.
  • Fill the eggs with the yolk mixture. You can use a dessert filler or just a spoon.
  • Lightly sprinkle smoked paprika on top along with chopped chives.

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