About Lisa Marie

Can we all agree that life is an adventure that we can respond to with grace and style, or cynicism and banality? I say choose grace and style!
We all have our own big adventures we face in life, and I am no different: challenging thyroid cancer, raising children, blending a family, discovering celiac disease, and career ups and downs. Within these larger adventures are the smaller, and what may seem like less consequential, day to day adventures: making healthy meals, getting everyone where they need to be, finding time with my husband, playing fetch with the dogs, organizing that closet or garage, and making our party and home fabulous. (Note that my husband would prefer that I always put time with my husband before closet organization).
I decided to create this blog to share the ways I’ve gone about tackling all these things on a tight schedule. Here at A Style for Life you’ll find easy lessons, recipes, tips, and stories to help you find and inject your grace, style, and winning formulas into everything you do. “What you put in is what you get out” may be the truest words ever spoken.
Your style is your own, and it’s time to put it into action!
Lisa lives in the Frisco, Texas area.
She is also the co-owner and founder of C’est La Tee Shop with her husband, Jeff.
Because of her passion for French travel, culture, and style, or simply adding that certain je ne sais quoi to her life, she created a spirited and comfy tee and accessories line. Check it out at www.cestlateeshop.com.